The Implications of Socioeconomic Inequality for Psychological Well-being
We encourage applications for the first edition of the Winter School on the Implications of Socioeconomic Inequality for Psychological Well-being. The deadline to apply is set for December 20, 2016. Applications are welcome from Ph.D. and post-doc students with a research interest in socioeconomic inequality and one of the following areas: social psychology, developmental psychology, community psychology or judgment and decision-making. The winter school has a multidisciplinary approach and the speakers, as well as the group projects, will cover all the above areas and perspectives on how socioeconomic inequality impacts psychological well-being and what can be done to help overcome these issues.
The Winter School will take place from February 20 to February 24, 2017 in Padova, Italy (see: venue).
The goal of the 5-day program is to provide participants with a multidisciplinary perspective on how socioeconomic inequality impacts psychological well-being. In addition, one of the goals of the winter school is to establish and develop a series of group projects to foster new collaborations and ideas to improve well-being of people who are hit the most by inequality. Leading international researchers will be among the speakers of the winter school (see: program). Psychology can provide important theoretical and practical tools to understand and counteract the effects of socioeconomic inequality and the winter school will enhance participants’ knowledge in multiple ways by combining several approaches. In addition, practitioners who work in the field on projects that improve social connection among people will be among the speakers. They will share their experience in order to explain what it takes to make a real impact on people’s lives (for more details see: aims and contents).
International speakers:
Richard Wilkinson (Equality Trust)
Michael Pluess (Queen Mary Unviersity, School of Biological and Chemical Studies)
Kate Pickett (University of York, Department of Health Sciences)
Jolanda Jetten (The University of Queensland, School of Psychology)
Social Street (http://www.socialstreet.it/international/info-english)
For any questions please contact: inequality.dpss@unipd.it