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Unraveling the unique role of the embodied route for emotional face processing – rif. borse 08/2023 (Resp. Prof.ssa Paola Sessa)

Dal 05.05.2023 al 22.05.2023

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DISCRIMIN-AZIONI - International Day Against Homo-bi-lesblo-trans-phobia

IDAHOBIT - International Day Against Homo-bi-lesblo-trans-phobiaMuoversi e agire tra attivismo e ricerca scientifica nel mondo LGBTQIA+17/05/23 ORE 14:30 - 18:00AULA EF3 (EX FIAT, VIA VENEZIA 13) 


New Horizons in Psychological Assessment

22nd and 23rd September 2023School of Psychology at Padova – ItalyThe main goal of the Board of Assessment of the EFPA is organizing and promoting actions aimed at improving tests and testing in Europe. “New Horizons in Psychological Assessment” will represent a “Platform” focus on the recent issues


Procedura valutativa per la chiamata di un Professore di seconda fascia, ai sensi dell’art. 24, comma 5, Legge 30 dicembre 2010, n. 240,settore concorsuale 11/E2 – PSICOLOGIA DELLO SVILUPPO E DELL’EDUCAZIONE – settore scientifico-disciplinare M-PSI/04

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Procedura comparativa rif. DPSS2023-10 - responsabile Prof.ssa Irene Mammarella

Dal 18.04.2023 al 02.05.2023

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