Working with homelessness - A Photovoice project

The exhibition "Working with homelessness - A Photovoice project", organized by HOME_EU project and the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization of the University of Padua, in collaboration with Municipality of Padua, represents one of the result of the scientific research conducted in 8 European countries involved in the HOME_EU project.
The main aim of the research was to understand, from the point of view of the providers that work with homelessness, which characteristics of the organization facilitate/hinder the functioning of the service.
Furthermore, in this exhibition pictures are aggregated identifying  a transnational theme that go beyond the strengths or weaknesses of the individual operating units: interpersonal distance. Specifically, pictures describe:
1) the distance between provider and user;
2) the distance between providers;
3) the distance between services and institutions.
Moreover, the exhibition shows differences between two working models, Housing First vs. traditional Services.