The Arca Initiative: Unlocking Psychological Expertise for Academic and Business Success
The Summer School in “The ARCA initiative: UNLOCKING PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERTISE FOR ACADEMIC AND BUSINESS SUCCESS” targets Master’s and PhD students. The goal is to provide advanced technical-methodological skills to students working in the psychological research field, enabling them to network and acquire innovative research tools in the field. Students will gain knowledge on experimental design, behavioural and neural data collection and analysis, statistical evaluation, and scientific reporting.
The Summer School consists of four independent weekly modules, led by academic and non-academic experts:
Introduction to Programming (Matlab, Python and R) and PsychoPy led by the Developers form the University of Nottingham
Electroencephalography (EEG) with EEGLAB and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) with NeuroDOT for Psychology and Neuroscience - led by Prof. Adam Eggebrecht, the developer of NEURODOT, Arianna Schiano Lomoriello of DPSS and Prof. Marco Congedo of the University of Grenobles Alpes
Pupillometry and Labvanced: Online Eye-Tracking led by Giulia Calignano of DPSS and the developer of Eye-tracking Dr. rer. nat. Caspar Goeke
Statistical Analysis using R and Reporting using Quarto led by Prof. Livio Finos of DPSS and Ottavia Epifania of the University of Trento
Dates: Monday, June 30th 2025 – Friday, July 25th 2025
Target: Master’s and PhD students
Maximum 30 participants
Language: English
Location: Padua
Fee: 500euros per week / 20% fee waiver for students currently enrolled in partner universities / 50% fee waiver for Arqus students.
Please be advised that a maximum number of waivers might apply.
Application dates: February 3rd 2025 – March 20th 2025
Application timeline and general information