Personale docente

Irene Cristina Mammarella

Professore associato


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 8 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276529


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    presso Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione
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Associate professor – Developmental Psychology(M-PSI/04)-Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova, Italy

December, 2008– November, 2017: Lecturer – Developmental Psychology(M-PSI/04)-Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova, Italy

Specific Learning Disorders (Developmental Dyscalculia, Dyslexia); Nonverbal Learning Disability; High functioning autism; visuospatial working memory in developmental disorders; emotional aspects (mathematics anxiety, anxiety) in developmental disorders and in relation to academic achievement

Member of the Association for Psychological Science (APS)
Full member of MCLS (Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society)
Full member of EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction)
Member of the Executive Committee and of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association for Learning Disabilities Research and Intervention (AIRIPA Society)
Full member of IARLD (International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities)

- Consulting editor and member of the editorial board of Educational Psychology
- Member of the editorial board of Learning and Individual Differences
- Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
- Ad-hoc reviewer for several international journals: Developmental Science, Learning and Instruction, Plos One, Cognitive Development, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Child Development

- Director of the post lauream (Master) course on Developmental Psychopathology, University of Padova
- Exchange Coordinator of the Erasmus programme between the Faculty of Educational Science, University of Oslo (Norway) and the University of Padova
- Exchange Coordinator of the Erasmus programme between the Department of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and the University of Padova
- Exchange Coordinator of the Erasmus programme between the Departments of Psychology of the University of Gent (Belgium) and the University of Padova
- Founder of a start-up founded by the University of Padova on learning disabilities (
- Member of the the Ph.D. program in Psychology, University of Padova

University of Gent - Prof. Herbert Roeyers

University of Cambridge - Center for Neuroscience in Education, Dr. Denes Szucs

Michigan State University (USA) - Prof. Jodene Fine

University of Oslo, Dept. Special Needs Education, Prof. Monica Melby-Lervag

University of Oxford - Dr. Ann Dowker

Download Curriculum_Mammarella.pdf

Mammarella, I.C. Donolato, E. Caviola, S. & Giofrè, D. (2018). Anxiety profiles and protective factors: A latent profile analysis. Personality & Individual Differences, 124, 201-208. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.12.017

Mammarella, I.C. Caviola, S. Giofrè, D. & Szucs, D. (2017). The underlying structure of visuospatial working memory in children with mathematical learning disability. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, doi: 10.1111/bjdp.12202

Caviola, S. Carey, E. Mammarella, I.C. & Szucs, D. (2017). Stress, time pressure, math anxiety and strategy selection in mathematical tasks. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition, 8, 1488. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01488

Cardillo, R. Basso Garcia, R. Mammarella, I.C. & Cornoldi, C. (2017). Pragmatics of language and theory of mind in children with Dyslexia associated to language difficulties or Nonverbal learning disabilities. Applied Neuropsychology: Child. doi: 10.1080/21622965.2017.1297946

Cardillo, R. Mammarella, I.C. Basso Garcia, R., & Cornoldi, C. (2017). Local and global processing in block design tasks in children with dyslexia or nonverbal learning disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 64, 96-107. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2017.03.011

Caviola, S. Gerotto, G. & Mammarella, I.C. (2016). Computer-based training for improving mental calculation in third and fifth graders. Acta Psychologica, 171, 118-127.

Hill, F. Mammarella, I.C. Devine, A. Caviola, S. Passolunghi, M. C. & Szucs, D. (2016). Maths anxiety in primary and secondary school students: Gender differences, developmental changes and anxiety specificity. Learning and Individual Differences, 48, 45-53.

Mammarella, I.C. Ghisi, M. Bomba, M. Bottesi, G. Caviola, S. Broggi, F. & Nacinovich, R., (2016). Anxiety and depression in children with Nonverbal learning disabilities, reading disabilities, or typical development. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49, 130-139.

Mammarella, I.C. Hill, F. Devine, A. Caviola, S. & Szucs, D. (2015). Math anxiety and developmental dyscalculia: A study on working memory processes. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37, 878-887.

Caviola, S. Mammarella, I.C. Cornoldi, C. & Lucangeli, D. (2014). Precursors for solving written subtraction problems in second grade schoolchildren. Learning and Individual Differences, 36, 92-100.

Mammarella, I.C. & Cornoldi, C. (2014). An analysis of the criteria used to diagnose children with Non-verbal learning disabilities (NLD). Child Neuropsychology, 20, 255-280.

Giofrè, D. Mammarella, I.C. & Cornoldi, C. (2014). The relationship between geometry, working memory and intelligence in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 123, 112-128.

Mammarella, I.C. Bomba, M. Caviola, S. Broggi, F. Neri, F. Lucangeli, D. & Nacinovich, R. (2013). Mathematical difficulties in nonverbal learning disability or co-morbid dyscalculia and dyslexia. Developmental Neuropsychology, 38, 418-432.

Giofrè, D. Mammarella, I.C. & Cornoldi, C. (2013). The structure of working memory and how it relates to intelligence in children. Intelligence, 41, 396-406.

Mammarella, I.C. Borella, E. Pastore, M. & Pazzaglia, F. (2013). The structure of visuospatial memory in adulthood. Learning and Individual Differences, 25, 99-110.

Caviola, S. Mammarella, I.C. Cornoldi, C. & Lucangeli, D. (2012). The involvement of working memory in children’s exact and approximate mental addition. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112, 141-160

Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento
Disturbo Non Verbale
Disturbo Specifico del Calcolo
Autismo ad alto funzionamento ed abilità visuospaziali
Disturbo di attenzione e iperattività (ADHD)
Ansia per la matematica
Relazione tra memoria di lavoro, aspetti emotivi e rendimento scolastico

Tesi triennali:
Disturbi dello spettro dell'autismo ad alto funzionamento
Disturbo di attenzione e iperattività (ADHD)
Ansia per la matematica
Progetti nelle scuole su processi cognitivi ed emotivi in relazione agli apprendimenti scolastici

Tesi magistrali:
Processi cognitivi e abilità socio-relazionali nei Disturbi dello spettro dell'autismo ad alto funzionamento
Disturbo visuospaziale dell'età evolutiva
Disturbo di attenzione e iperattività (ADHD): processi cognitive e abilità socio-relazionali
Disturbo specifico del calcolo e disturbi dell'apprendimento
Ansia e apprendimenti scolastici
Ansia per la matematica

Contattare il docente:

Research lines, with some of the specific issues proposed for PhD students:

1. Visuospatial abilities in neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e., non-verbal learning disability, high functioning autism and developmental coordination disorders)

How visuospatial abilities may help in the differential diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders?

2. Emotional aspects related to achievement.

How emotional aspects (such as anxiety) may affect academic achievement in children? Are there age differences?

3. Cognitive and emotional processes in neurodevelopmental disorders.

How cognitive skills and emotional processes are related in neurodevelopmental disorders?