Summer and Winter Schools archive
16-20 August 2021
/L+/ international summer/winter school on language acquisition
The first truly global /L+/ international summer/winter school on language acquisition aimed to promote knowledge about first language acquisition and establish a global network of collaboration with mutually beneficial exchanges for researchers and students. [Homepage]
University of Padova Coordinator: Silvia Benavides-Varela
14-17 June 2021
Virtual summer school “Innovative Tools in the Study of Language”
This online summer school aimed to offer a training opportunity for large-scale, ecologically valid, real-time research with a wide range of possible applications from clinical settings (augmented communication technologies for the blind, the hearing-impaired, etc.) to technological improvement (intelligent internet search algorithms, speech recognition etc.), and familiarizing participants with methods such as corpus analysis, machine learning, multisite collaborative testing, etc. [Homepage]
Organizing Committee: Judit Gervain, Eduardo Navarrete, Francesca Peressotti & Francesco Vespignani
15-19 February 2021
MRInference: from data to knowledge
The general aim of the Winter School was to present modern statistical approaches to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data analysis. Nowadays we are facing a revolution in MRI analysis and the questioned solidity of previous results needs stronger attention to analysis methods. The present winter school has a practical approach in order to bring methodological instruments to improve the solidity of daily research workflows. [Homepage]
Coordinators: Livio Finos & Paolo Girardi
18-22 February 2019
Beyond p < .05: Modern statistical approaches in psychological science
The idea of the course is based on the recent debate concerning the crisis of reproducibility and replicability in scientific research. We tackled these issues by presenting recent perspectives that aim to increase researchers’ sensitivity and critical thinking in the use of statistics in psychological science. Activities included both main lectures and workshops for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral research fellows and early career scholars coming from different countries. [Homepage]
Coordinators: Gianmarco Altoè & Andrea Spoto
5-9 February 2018
Competing or cooperating: human interaction in times of social and economic instability
The goal of the winter school was to provide participants with a multidisciplinary perspective on how competitive and cooperative behaviors are shaped by socioeconomic factors. In addition, through the interactive seminars, the Winter School aimed at creating the basis for new collaborations amongst participants, allowing to implement innovative strategies for research, dissemination and policy change. [Homepage]
Coordinator: Michela Lenzi
20-24 February 2017
The Implications of Socioeconomic Inequality for Psychological Well-being
The goal of the winter school was to provide participants with a multidisciplinary perspective on how socioeconomic inequality impacts psychological well-being. In addition, one of the goals of the winter school was to establish and develop a series of group projects to foster new collaborations and ideas to improve well-being of people who are hit the most by inequality. [Homepage]
Coordinator: Enrico Rubaltelli
1-5 February 2016
Beyond ‘English as a Medium of Instruction’ (EMI): Old challenges, new competences
The School aimed to provide higher education lecturers and professors with the opportunity to experience a professional development program concerning the major issues and challenges involved in teaching academic subjects through English. The program consisted of classroom lectures and practical sessions, during which leading national and international experts will present the latest research on both theoretical and methodological aspects related to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), with a special emphasis on intercultural communication. [Homepage]
Coordinators: Ughetta Moscardino, Elisabetta Pavan